
GeoTools Tutorials

GeoTools Tutorials: Create Polygon Topology Using GeoTools | Closed Polygons with Centroid | CCPOLY

In this video we are going to cover GT_CCPOLY command in GeoTools for AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD and ARES Commander Software.

Command Description:
The GT_CCPOLY command in GeoTools is useful to create closed ...
polygons from a mass of interconnected (but not topologically closed or corrected) polylines and lines.

This is part of the various topology building tools in GeoTools.

Please ensure that your drawing is corrected for any errors like un-closed edges, gaps, overshoots and dangle errors.

These can be fixed using GT_NODELINESNAP, GT_DANGLECHECK and other drawing cleanup tools.

Drawing cleanup is a must before topologically correct polygon information can be built.

This tool also supports the GeoTools Object Table data, which can capture the information into CSV files, CAD tables etc.

GeoTools Tutorials | GeoTools Videos for AutoCAD BricsCAD ZWCAD ARES Commander | DesignSense Software Technologies | Rakesh Rao

CADPower Tutorials | CADPower Videos for AutoCAD BricsCAD ZWCAD ARES Commander | DesignSense Software Technologies | Rakesh Rao

All Videos | GeoTools & CADPower Tutorials | DesignSense Software Technologies | Rakesh Rao | AutoCAD | BricsCAD | ZWCAD | ARES Commander

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